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Planning Board

Planning Board Applications:



All written public comments (mail, e-mail, faxes or hand delivered) are due to the Building Department by 4:00 pm on the business day preceding the meeting.


Important:  Due to construction, the Planning Board meetings will be in the Annex and not in the town board meeting room - until further notice. Meetings are unable to be live streamed until construction is complete.


The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Public Hearing(s):



Old Business/Discussion(s):

Finelli Project at 76, 78 North Greenbush Rd & 11 Glenmore Rd:


Resolution of the town board in the matter Re: Amendment No.3 Tech Valley Residential Community Planned Development District: 



Pending Projects:







The Planning Board, acting within the limits of the Town Code, is responsible for the review and approval of subdivision applications and site plan review proposals. Generally applications that promote orderly, efficient and economical development consistent with the Town Building Code and Comprehensive Master Plan are approved.

The Planning Board meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the Town Municipal Building.

Applicants interested in submitting subdivision or site plan review proposals for Planning Board consideration should first contact the Town Building Department who will coordinate the application process.

View new procedures from the Rensselaer County Clerk’s Office for filing major and minor subdivision maps and realty survey maps.